Gem of India (भारतरत्न)…

It is sad but true, Anand is fighting his battle for India
all alone (almost). Compared to the focus that a tournament like IPL gets in
India, the attention (from media, common man, Bollywood, etc.) received by WCC
is negligible. That brings me to think once again, who is the real Gem of
India? Is it our beloved Sachin Tendulkar or Vishvanathan Anand? This is no way
an effort to take credit from Sachin for his outstanding consistency and commitment
to Cricket and all the glory (including World Cup) he has brought for India. It
may not also be possible to compare them on certain grounds, they are just the
best and we all are proud of them, period. However, if at all we are to decide
who is the ‘Gem of India’, or rather who should be the first sportsman to
receive it, I would vote for Vishvanathan Anand (believe me I am a big Sachin
fan myself). There is nothing wrong in our passion for a particular sport in
the country but we should also think about other sports if at all we want to
progress as a Nation in sports (London Olympics are round the corner and I
wish, Indian participants get fortunate enough to get some % of attention this
time). Here are my reasons why Vishvanathan Anand should be the first one to receive
Bharat Ratna if at all we decide to give it to a sport person.
Vishvanathan Anand is as consistent as any other
sportsman when it comes to Chess.
He is fighting the battle almost on his own
without all the cheering, support and attention that cricket receives.
Please comment and do support Vishvanathan Anand for
retaining the WCC title. Good Luck Anand!!!
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