Ready for the World!!! [First Day at School]
Dear Sharvari,
You tell us your play-school name as ‘Rabbit and Tortoise’ and you also know the story of Rabbit and the Tortoise where the tortoise wins the race slowly and steadily. The world has changed quite a bit after this story was originally told. You need to be as fast as rabbit and as steady as the tortoise to win. Again, I do not want you to get yourself into the mad-race. Choose your field carefully without following the herd and acquire all the good qualities to win. Winning or losing is part of life but you succeed as far as you have tried. I want you to try hard and not worry about the result, leave the result to God.
There will be times when you will have to make some choices;
I will help you to be ready to make those. You have to always make a conscious choice
between right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, short or long,
quick-dirty or slow-elegant, yes or no. I am sure you will eventually learn to make those choices on your own. And once again, you will always get an opportunity to
learn from your mistakes but also learn to not repeat the mistakes.
It was
hard for me to leave you at the school yesterday when you wanted to be with
your daddy, but that was a decision I had made for you.
Wishing you all the
very best in life with lots of love…always…
Your Baba…
Lovely letter...