Donation Time !!!

It's time of the year when the Fitness centers gear up for Donations from fitness "freaks" across the globe. In Pune, almost all the Gyms have attractive discounts on annual memberships. New year (01st Jan) is the time everyone is waiting to start the fitness routine !! Since you have waited most of the year to once again start your excise routine, why not wait for 10 more days and start again??? "This time, I am going to be very regular and meet my fitness goals..." This is a very common feeling and thinking with a lot of people. Why not sign-up for the annual membership? and yes, there is 40% discount if you sign-up right now !!! Everything seems to be working out well. Many of us get into this trap and donate money to the fitness centers. My sincere request is to think more than once before signing-up. I have nothing against the fitness centers, but if I can save at least one person from this voluntary donation, I will be more than happy. There are bette...